Our company was founded in 2018. We started as producer of mining equipment and in 2021 extended our portfolio by modern radio-electronic and high performance computation devices. Our key area is the SDR (Software Defined Radio). Nowadays, this kind of devices is actively implemented in radio communication, broadcasting, digital data transmitting and in scientific and other spheres. Being engaged in the serial production of the branded SDR devices, our company is dynamically developing in order to satisfy the various requirements of our customers, who are interested in radio communication. The hardware-software platform we develop is universal, but it can be modified in order to satisfy our customers’ needs. In addition to serial SDR production, we are engaged in the development of unique SDR for special needs. We collaborate with different companies, supplying them with professional equipment based on SDR. In additional to serial production, our company is engaged in the development of radio-electronic equipment to order. We are ready to create unique SDR-equipment for your tasks!


We are offering:
  • develop unique SDR-equipment for the customers tasks according to the technical specifications of the customers
  • develop unique Acceleration cards based on DSP and FPGA for the customers tasks according to the technical specifications of the customers

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